Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mirror mirror in a babies hand

Neurons are nothing more than messengers taking information from one place to another, and neurotransmitters nothing more than a means of transferring this information between neurons. We can expand this, if we accept the fact that we are interconnected with our surroundings. A pheromone is a neurotransmitter that can travel vast distances to communicate with another neuron that follows a pathway to induce a desired effect, an airborne hormone.

If we accept this then the neurotransmitter of light and sound is not far off. In raising a child, and in the presence of child - adults will replicate the action or sound of a baby, and reward the infant when he replicates the action of a adult. A simple conditioning reward response which will enforce neural pathways. Why do we do it? The consequence of these actions allows for the development of structures that make the social brain intertwined with the actions, pains and joys, and language of those around us.

But what about the conditioning of children interacting with technology! What development occurs in the brain when it swipes its had across a screen and there is positive reinforcement, when it plays with a WII and on a screen across the room it actions are mirrored and reinforced. Is it just another game or is a whole new world of connection being established in the brain beyond what we are yet to comprehend?

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